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Manage How You Drive − build a portfolio of low risk drivers
The analysis of the driving style allows us to determine what type of driver we deal with − safe or one who is prone to risky behavior. UBI policies, thanks to the promise of paying lower insurance premiums in exchange for safe driving, attract less risky drivers − those who have nothing to hide from […]
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Crash detection and reconstruction − benefits for the insurer, help for the policyholder
Automatic crash detection provides insurers with early notification of loss (eFNOL) and enables immediate assistance to the policyholder − both for quick and cheap loss settlement and saving their health or life. How does our crash detection and reconstruction system work? 1. The sensor logs data To detect road incidents, we use data from gyroscopes,(...)
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Usage Based Insurance – higher profitability, competitive premiums
Usage Based Insurance (UBI) is the easiest way to individualize the risk of policyholders, personalize premiums and increase the profitability of the insurance business. Usage may concern both the way the car is used, the driver’s driving style (PHYD, i.e. Pay How You Drive), and the distances covered by the vehicle (PAYD, Pay As You […]